I have enjoyed the privilege of working with Peter Harrison for the past couple of years. He’s out in the prairies – living and working as part farmer/part commercial realtor, and part resale residential expert – in the middle of a large territory which sounds to me like it has more fields and farms than populace.
He works hard. Very hard.
Deals sometimes – in a region which endures 6 months of winter, blowing snow, frozen roadways, and minus 30 degree weather – can be hard to come by without any of the extra economic issues thrown into the mix.
I say all that to say – when times were tough for Peter – an opportunity to take a short cut (which also could serve hi$ interest$ as the top priority) arose …and…. he was who we all aspire to be when no one is looking. He was king.
He did the right thing. Which was not the thing that he could justify that would serve his income agenda best. He did the thing that would clearly serve the clients interest best. That client will never know about the choices Peter made that day because it was never discussed with the client. The details surfaced in a call with me – and I was able to put the pieces together.
So I again get to applaud loudly/wildly and gratefully that I am again made proud by the quality of realtor I am privileged to work – applauding for the high level of integrity they display – even if it is only to themselves. Only I guess now – it’s not just Peter who knows! Well done Peter!